Hi, Welcome to nasirpiya.com interviews section. This is your host “Nasir Piya” & today we’ve a guest of honor for interview named “Faiz Israili“. Thank you so much Faiz for your time.
Let’s get started Interview with Faiz Israili [Indian Blogger]
Nasir: Tell us something about yourself.
Faiz: My name is Faiz Israili, I’m full time Blogger by profession and Traveler by heart. Born and brought up in Ahmedabad, India, I started my journey by working as an employee in a BPO centre to now influencer endorsing small business with significant potential.
I also run company called Rankdrive Technology, digital marketing company, which I started in 2015, I’m helping my clients with affiliated sites and assisted them to earn six figured revenue with ease. Also read: Interview with Ali Raza- Online Marketing Expert & Blogger
Nasir: Ok, so you belong to Blogging field. Can you write a bit about your journey so for in this field?
Faiz: When I started blogging, I use to work at a BPO centre. Meanwhile I use to work 2 hour a day on my blog. At that time I had no internet or computer. So I started doing blogging from cyber café.
I believe the more you put yourself out there, the more you are endorsing your brand. Writing content, making videos, putting up reviews, and creating more associates is gradually taking a leap towards building your own brand out of scratch.
Interview with Faiz Israili
Rankdrive Technology is still a part of my work in progress. I believe that saying your story on the right platform at the right time will help you connect with the right people.
When I started my career with blogging as full time with small office, I never thought that I will have such hard working team working with me. I’m grateful that I have client who trust me with their business goals. Keep reading Interview with faiz israili.
Nasir: We want to know about your hobbies.
Faiz: I spend most of my time in office. So, I like to take leave from work to spend quality time with family and friends by travelling with them to less crowded cities.
Nasir: How do you describe “Life”?
Faiz: My main mantra is to swear to be consistent. My life is itself a story beyond belief. Who would have thought that a guy working in a BPO will endorse so many small businesses can redefine branding to big shots.
As I said, there is no alternative to hard work and consistency. Staying on top of trends and being a visionary is a gift while creating your brand.
I helped hundreds of businesses to grow and I am still building brands out of scratch out of the sheer motive of passion and vision.
Nasir: Give your precious opinion on current social/economical/political conditions of your country. Anything you feel about, your words maybe valuable for someone.
Faiz: My advice to everyone who is still student, learn and develop skills that do not required you to pay to someone.
Digitization has taken its place in every corner of the market. Learn online skills even from YouTube. Build skills instead of collecting certificate or degree.
Nasir: How do you rank yourself in current & next 5 years?
Faiz: Since I started from scratch in the blogging with no guidance. I can now at least search better and I’m not depending on anyone. Therefore my goals are keeping changing as I’m keep learning something every year.
Right now, I’m just focus on promoting my brand and hoping to make million dollar company soon.
Nasir: Your monthly/annually revenue? Don’t disclose in exact, but in figures. You may say no to disclose your earnings.
Faiz: My revenue is based on website I flip. For example, if I’m making $1000 per month from a blog. I will able to get $25000 by selling that blog. That’s how it works. That’s how I make six figure income.
Nasir: How do a newbie can learn about your field? Any sources you can refer?
Faiz: I always suggest subscribing relevant YouTube channel; I myself have recorded so many videos for YouTube content creator.
Nasir: How do we follow you? We’ll highly appreciate if you can share your social media account/portfolio/website etc.
Faiz: You can follow me on Social Media; I’m active on social media.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faizisraili
Nasir: Any message you want to share with us?
Faiz: I always ask everyone to focus on one thing at a time and schedule your time towards your goals with your study or job. That will help you to achieve your goals in life. Always have deadline so that you track whether you are going to achieve it before the time or not.
Final Words to say:
So, that was Interview with Faiz Israili. I hope you get some value out of it. Thanks for reading. Keep in touch for more awesome content.