Hi, Welcome to nasirpiya.com interviews section. This is your host “Nasir Piya” & today we’ve a guest of honor for interview named “Syed Muneeb Ali“. Thank you so much Muneeb for your time.
Let’s get started Interview with Syed Muneeb Ali [Science Journalist & Astronomer]
Tell us something about yourself.
Muneeb: Being having diverse interests and work backgrounds, I’m a Pakistani award-winning Science writer, science journalist and an amateur astronomer. I also write features at Dawn News, Express News (Pakistan) and other Pakistani media outlets. I’m also working as a co-founder and general secretary of Astrobiology Network of Pakistan.
In 2018, I won national award by Urdu Science Board that works under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (Pakistan) on my first Urdu Kainaat – Aik Raaz that as based on astronomy. In past couple of years, I have also been working on science animations in 3d and have won a national award on my scientific 3d animation on “Icy Volcanoes” by National Center for GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA). Also read: Interview with Abbas Ali [Web Designer]
Ok, so you belong to Astronomy field. Can you write a bit about your journey so for in this field?
Muneeb: My interest in the field of Astronomy was ignited back in 2013 when I visited a space outreach in Lahore. I was boosted up with a lot of questions related to astronomy but being in a busy world, no one had time to answer my curiosity, so I took help from the internet and started getting my answers. I learnt about the working of the universe and was amazed with the facts about it.
Interview with Syed Muneeb Ali
In 2015, I realized that I was so curious to know about the universe that even if people didn’t answer my questions, I found my way to help my curiosity but if someone is not as enthusiastic as mine, he/she would have given up learning Astronomy. For this reason, I started a Facebook page named “Astronomy Learning – Urdu” as there were very less Urdu content about the field in Pakistan. I used to write long captains explaining what I learnt in Urdu with the graphics I designed myself in Adobe Photoshop (yes! I was learning graphic designing on my own too).
In 2017, when my page reached to public, many media journalists contacted me to write the same long ‘article type’ captions but now on their media platforms. This marked the start of my writing career on ARY News and Dawn News Urdu.
Fast-forward to 2018 when I compiled my writeups, added more details and submitted my manuscript for the competition at Urdu Science Board. My book won the prize and as a gift, government of Pakistan published my book.
Now, after exploring writer’s space, I’m swiftly moving towards the scientific visualization side to explore the mysterious world where Art and Science coexists! keep reading syed muneeb ali interview.
We want to know about your hobbies.
Muneeb: I do analysis of the financial markets, especially cryptocurrencies and manages my own website. I love to do gardening and have grown different vegetables in my home.
How do you describe “Life”?
Muneeb: The description of life in my dictionary is quite simple:
Life is all about professional, personal and self-connection, out of which the last one is the most important. If anyone of these is missing, you’ll find your life empty. No matter who hard you are trying to make both ends meet, you can be happy if you are doing what you dreamt for. In short, if YOU are satisfied with what you’re doing, you’re living!
Give your precious opinion on current social/economical/political conditions of your country. Anything you feel about, your words maybe valuable for someone.
Muneeb: Talking about Pakistan, sociopolitical conditions are not good because politicians are just demeaning each other for the power and the people of Pakistan are suffering from the poor economics of the country.
Socrates talked about the tolerance and society, and I think tolerance is missing in this society that’s why we’re facing all these problems:
“Tolerance is the soul of society. When tolerance decreases in society, dialogue decreases and when there is no dialogue, horror increases in society.
According to Socrates, dissent, argument and logic are the work of educated people. As long as this art remains with educated scholars and noble people, society develops. But when dialogue or disagreement falls into the hands of ignorant people, then society falls prey to anarchy.” – Socrates
How do you rank yourself in current & next 5 years?
Muneeb: In next 5 years, I can see myself as someone who is doing scientific visualization maybe in a company or a business.
Your monthly/annually revenue? Don’t disclose in exact, but in figures. You may say no to disclose your earnings.
Syed Muneeb Ali: Currently, I do about $8k/annum.
How do a newbie can learn about your field? Any sources you can refer?
Syed Muneeb Ali: Getting into the field of astronomy is easier for a newbie now than the time when I entered because today, there are tons of Urdu resources available about I started pumping Urdu science content in the start of my career. For start, I would like recommend Kainaat Astronomy Youtube Channel along with Zaibnama Youtube Channel for someone who is just starting learning astronomy in Urdu language. For English audience, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Dr. Brian Green are the best to learn from.
How do we follow you? We’ll highly appreciate if you can share your social media account/portfolio/website etc.
Syed Muneeb Ali: My official website is https://smuneebali.com/ while I’m also available on Twitter (@muneeb227), Facebook (@SyedMuneebAliOfficial), Linkedin (@sma227) and Instagram (@alisyedmuneeb). I can also be contacted via email at muneeb227@gmail.com
Any message you want to share with us?
Muneeb: In the end, I would like to say to the readers that don’t lose hope if you fail at first, there is always something for you waiting. Try reaching out to the relevant people and start surrounding yourself with the people you want to become.
Final Words to say:
So, that was Interview with Syed Muneeb Ali. I hope you get some value out of it. Thanks for reading. Keep in touch for more awesome content.